Youth League Joining Ceremony
On the afternoon of 3rd December, Anqing Foreign Language School’s Youth League Committee observed the grand ceremony for new League members to join the Communist Youth League in the 2018-2019 academic year at the School Lecture Hall. The school leaders and teachers attending the ceremony included Principal Assistant Lu Dan, Youth Committee Liu Qiongdan with Anqing Foreign Language School’s general Party branch, teacher Jin Gensheng with the Youth League Committee as well as Counselor He Chun from the Youth League School. The conference was hosted by student Zhang Yu from Class 6, Grade 11.
First of all, the conference raised the curtain with the solemn song of the Communist Youth League. The ceremony included the singing of the national anthem, the oath of the League members, the wearing of the League emblem, the reading of the congratulatory letter from Anqing Foreign Language School’s general Party branch, the speech of the representatives of the new League members and the keynote speech from the school leadership.
Second of all, after the singing of the national anthem, the old League member representatives helped the new League member representatives wear the emblem. Afterwards, all the new League members collectively took a solemn oath under the guidance of student Xu Feiyang with Class 7, Grade 11.
Third of all, student Xia Jingqi from Class 1, Grade 9 made a speech as a representative of the new League member. Furthermore, Youth Committee Liu Qiongdan with Anqing Foreign Language School’s general Party branch read out the letter of congratulations from the general Party branch to all the new League members on behalf of the General Branch Committee of Anqing Foreign Language School. Also, she extended warm congratulations to all the students who joined the Communist Youth League.
Last but not the least, Principal Assistant Lu Dan expressed his warm celebrations to all the new League members on behalf of Anqing Foreign Language School, requiring all the League members to be the models for all the students in the school in their learning and life and become qualified League members to win glory for their class and Anqing Foreign Language School in addition to adding luster to the League flag and emblem!





